We are extremely proud to announce that our Brockenhurst store is a finalist in the Convenience Store awards in 2 categories!
We have been chosen for best Community Retailer and Best new/refit store! Our team have worked so hard and we are extremely proud of what we have achieved, especially considering we opened just after the start of a pandemic and a national lockdown. We wanted to bring the community what they wanted, a Post Office, reusable, refillable sustainable options, a range of locally produced items and accessibility for all. A local resident has described our new store as ‘a gift’ to the village, saying ‘Since you opened, I have become newly aware of all these delicious locally produced foods that I never knew about before! And I cannot end without mentioning the Post Office. It makes such a difference not to have to travel a 10-mile round trip to post a parcel or whatever it is that we need to do. Such a huge thank you to all! Your store enables us to shop locally and ethically and we are very grateful!’